Pricing Strategies for Portrait Photographers
At some point, you decided to take your passion and talent for portrait photography from being a hobby to officially starting a business. Or maybe you have been shooting for a while and have relocated to a different area of the country where you need to reestablish your existing business. You’ve invested in your camera equipment and accessories, computers and software. To make sure your business will be successful and profitable, you’ll need to plan your pricing strategy for your photography services and products.
Research Your Competition
I am a photographer who loves non-standard locations, unique people and sunlight! I specialize in black-and-white photography, but i with no doubts like challenges!
Adam Smith

Once you have some names, go online and search for your competition’s websites using a search engine such as Google or Bing and business directory websites, such as Yelp, Thumbtack and Photography Central. Also research the main social media sites, such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Enter pertinent keywords such as portraits, children, baby, newborn, seniors, teens, family and event photography. Use additional keywords in your search such as the town, city, county, state or region. When you do those searches, take note of the portrait photographer websites that come up on the first and second pages. These photographers have done their homework to be sure that their websites are being seen, and if they also have paid advertising that indicates that they are doing well with getting new customers.